The blog of Eric Sibly; focusing on mountain biking, .NET development for the Desktop, Smartphone and PocketPC.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

What is LINQ...

LINQ is a codename for "a set of extensions to the .NET Framework that encompass language-integrated query, set, and transform operations". But what does that mean? This document as authored by Don Box and Anders Hejlsberg describes in relative detail what is LINQ. Basically, with C# 3.0, developers will be able to write rich queries for accessing .NET Types, Database (DLinq) and XML (XLinq) using a consistent C# shorthand – this stuff looks really interesting. When will we see it for real (released); that is the unknown?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


This is good information about LINQ. Further you can download free ebooks on LINQ, LINQ ebook, C# with LINQ, VB.NET with LINQ

4:28 am


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