The blog of Eric Sibly; focusing on mountain biking, .NET development for the Desktop, Smartphone and PocketPC.

Monday, September 05, 2005


One of the issues with working with data on a CE device is the constraints with memory and performance. An area where this problem can really manifest itself is related to data – with respect to moving between application and database. I am not really a fan of DataSet’s on the Server or Desktop, and would go as far to suggest that their “bloatness” has absolutely no place in the mobile world. Seems Microsoft and others agree and with SQL Mobile and .NET Compact Framework 2.0 we have a solution; the SqlCeResultSet:

In previous versions of SQL Server CE, to bind controls to data you had to use a System.Data.DataSet. While a SqlCeDataReader provides better performance than a DataSet, it is a forward-only, non-updateable cursor. In SQL Server Mobile, the SqlCeResultSet provides a combination of functionality: the updateability and scrollability of the DataSet with performance similar to a SqlCeDataReader.

A very nice solution to solving a real technical challenge!


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